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sabato 22 settembre 2012

woooa! finally my own hd picture website!!
...not finished yet, I will keep on uploading pictures!
all free with Sito Hd ( which is my broth application!
the news is that it is also available as iphone app! It's a pity that I have a samsung note haha!. Anyway grate and wonderful! A sort of picture-facebook app which lets you upload pictures with really high quality, fantatic for all camera addicted persons.
Everybody can uplad up to 30 pictures for free, and then purchasing the gold version you can:
1) give the website the name you want as your real name or your blogger name
2) upload as much pictures as you want making non limit amount of galleries of 21 pictures each
3) make hidden galleries with a special link where who you will inform of the link can see the pictures you uploaded
4) modify the templates! fantastic for bloggers you want to have the own unique website!
5) upload many pictures at the same time without selecting one by one
6) new future surprises, sitohd tecnology is keeping on developing!